martes, 5 de junio de 2007

27th March

First, the teacher Keith explained that we had to make a work do since : how to do business in a country. This work we have to realize it in groups of 4. In addition he did not give the script to follow:

  • Desingn and develop model
  • Group reserach/ group prepare document
  • Present document to class
  • Videoconference
  • Document of all countries

In this class we saw a video that was treating on a robbery to a bank in which the thieves start catching the telephone and fighting until the police come. Of this video we have done an activity.

Later Keith explained Market Research's topic:

Primary Research.

The characteristics are:

  • First hand information
  • Expensive to collect, analyse and evaluate.
  • Examples: questionnaires, focus groups, telephone surveys…

Secondary Research

This information we can find so much in internal sources as an external sources. If we refer to internal sources for example: stock analysis or company accounts … As for the external sources we have for example: Government Statistics.

Sampling methods.

Several methods exist:

  • Random Samples
  • Stratified or Segment Random Sampling
  • Quota Sampling
  • Cluster Sampling
  • Multi-Stage Sampling
  • Snowball Sampling

Purpose: assessing marketing mix, reduce risk…

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